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Thank you for contacting us! Your submission has been received and one of our expert service consultants will be in touch with you shortly. At Sharpsmart we work with each of our customers to determine their precise facility needs and customise a solution based on the following objectives:

Bag Dispenser

Beautifully engineered, this small compact bag dispenser can be direct-mounted onto the wall for easy access to plastic bags. For bag refilling, a simple catch on the dispenser allows the unit to open and bag roll to be replaced. 


Tiger Striped Offensive Waste Bags


The Historical Trends and Improvements in SI

The Historical Trends and Improvements in SI


Authors:   Grimmond T

Bag to Bedside: Safety, Environmental, and Waste Improvements

Bag to Bedside: Safety, Environmental, and Waste Improvements


Article:   Trust Wins Three Ways,


The Widespread Movement to Reusable Sharps Containers

The Widespread Movement to Reusable Sharps Containers


Authors:   Grimmond T

Sharpsmart: 28% Waste Reduction After Introducing Reusables

Sharpsmart: 28% Waste Reduction After Introducing Reusables


Authors:   Grimmond T, Bylund S, Fink R, Anglea C, Beeke L, Callahan A, Christiansen E, Flewelling K, McIntosh K, Richter K, Vitale M

The Microbiology Behind Reusable Containers in Hospitals

The Microbiology Behind Reusable Containers in Hospitals


Authors:   Grimmond, T

Safety and Cost Considerations for Medical Device Decisions

Safety and Cost Considerations for Medical Device Decisions


Authors:   Grimmond T, Bylund S, Fink R, Anglea C, Beeke L, Callahan A, Christiansen E, Flewelling K, McIntosh K, Richter K, Vitale M