Auditsmart Waste Identification

Sharpsmart’s comprehensive auditing platform delivers full visibility into waste segregation practices, compliance risks and cost-impacting behaviours. We empower healthcare facilities to control costs, sustainability and influence over their waste destiny.

Auditsmart KPI Management

Driving successful outcomes in clinical waste optimisation and effective segregation is a journey, not a destination.

At Sharpsmart, our partnership is committed to the long game – driving continued improvements every month that drive cost reductions against your organisation’s bottom line and reduce environmental impact. Audits are an integral way for us to achieve this; delivering greater transparency in reporting, bringing focused awareness to compliance issues, and implementing responsive training and corrective action plans to drive changes in segregation and waste disposal behaviour.

Our Auditsmart program is dissected into two offerings; a standard model of audits which are included with every acute care service contract and prove our commitment to a successful continuous-improvement partnership, and a secondary model of audits which are available on request and charged at a ‘per-audit’ rate based on organisational needs.

Our Standard Model

Trends Audit

Forming our initial assessment of your facilities’ unique requirements both at a site and department level, our team will review your current processes including containment methodologies, waste segregation and movement efficiencies, as well as identifying any environmental, compliance and safety considerations. This audit will identify areas of focus where Sharpsmart can drive results.

Container Efficiency Audit

Our Strategy: An audit of 10 sharps containers per customer per month conducted in a secure and controlled environment by our trained experts. Reporting will be broken out by department, date and location.

What we can deliver: Reporting on fill-level efficiency, segregation results with photographic dissemination, recommended follow-up actions to increase performance, and in-depth overview of best-practice benchmarking.

Quarterly Audit

Ensuring our team are in tune with the reality of your organisation’s waste practices, we conduct a quarterly audit to ensure that the KPI’s and strategic goals that we have set are on track and aligned with partnership expectations. We identify areas of success and improvement in current practices, and use the findings as a blueprint to develop next-step KPI’s at our quarterly business review.

Our Secondary Offering

Pre-Acceptance Audit

This is a legal requirement of every facility that produces healthcare waste. The audit is conducted to ensure that healthcare waste generators are identifying the most environmental solution for all waste streams and it is compulsive that the document be provided to your waste contractor prior to service commencement. Sharpsmart is licensed and able to conduct this audit on your behalf.

SED Audit

An extension of our passion to reduce needlestick injuries, our SED audit can be carried out on single or multiple sharps containers to identify the widespread use and correct activation of Safety Engineered Devices. This audit enables our customers to identify health and safety risks and provide context for re-education on sharps injury risk management beyond the use of a safety-designed sharps container.

Total Waste Audit

Our most comprehensive audit, this is conducted across multiple customer locations and provides a detailed analysis of the performance and management of all waste streams. Our analysis provides clear direction on where opportunity lies to introduce new waste streams for more compliant and effective segregation, improve waste disposal efficiency and accuracy, minimise waste volumes, optimise container fill-efficiency, and reduce costs through new methodologies, training or innovation.

Partner with us to drive transformation of your current healthcare waste practices.

In 30+ years of servicing the healthcare industry, one thing we have learned is that our success in transformed safety and environmental clinical waste practices relies on the strength of partnership. Our Auditsmart program is designed to enable real-time analysis and responsive action; every month of poor segregation, efficiency, resource management or infection-risk prone practices has a direct safety, environmental and cost impact. We want to provide our customers with resources that help them drive change within the month in direct response to current issues, not at an annual contract negotiation or business review!

We pride ourselves on total transparency, because without relevant and timely information, you cannot drive effective change within your facility, and we can’t achieve our best as partners. Offering the most comprehensive sharps and healthcare waste performance audits in the UK we are confident that our expertise can drive complete transformation in your healthcare facility, and we’re willing to back ourselves! If you are interested in learning more about how Sharpsmart can deliver a bespoke audit and KPI management system for the management of your facility’s healthcare waste, contact one of our specialists to book a complimentary trends audit.

Need a Waste Policy?

With expertise driving waste-change programs across some of the biggest hospital brands in the UK, we can help you blueprint your waste goals..

From waste mapping to waste minimisation, storage and dock management, training, and multi waste-stream efficiencies in disposal and treatment, we work with experts to help you articulate your healthcare waste goals. In developing a bespoke waste policy we start with understanding your organisation’s values and needs, partnering with policy development professionals, and leveraging our expertise and experience in safe, sustainable and infection control focused healthcare waste management.