Safety and Cost Considerations for Medical Device Decisions

Authors: Grimmond T, Bylund S, Fink R, Anglea C, Beeke L, Callahan A, Christiansen E, Flewelling K, McIntosh K, Richter K, Vitale M

Publication: Hospital Liability Alert, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP


What is the article?

This article studies management decisions within hospitals to determine if decisions on products/devices have been as a result of considering safety or cost.

What did we learn?

Through analysing many jurisdiction cases in hospital administration, the following are suggestions for consideration:

  • Hospital policies and procedures are closely followed when relating to medical devices and biomedical waste management
  • Ensure common belief is that safety is more important than cost
  • Decision makers consider published literature
  • Seek input from employees who are directly affected
  • Establish that the medical device under consderation complies with regulatory requirements and standards
  • Be realistic about potential incurred costs from not selecting the preferred device

Obviously, the focus should always be on preventing the adverse event; even one adverse event can easily wipe out any savings realised from choosing a cheaper product.”


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