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Bag To Bedside

Point-of-use clinical waste disposal, effective segregation and safe educated staff? Yes, this is absolutely achievable! 


Clinical waste disposal should be handled with as few touch points as possible to minimise the risk of infection. It is known that the regular removal of infectious, offensive and all other types of waste from ward-level is paramount to the safety of patient, staff and visitor environment. Furthermore, the effective segregation of these different waste streams not only drives efficient and CQC guideline compliant healthcare waste movement and disposal practices, but it also has a direct impact on costs, staff safety, and environmental impact – factors that we are deeply committed to. Sharpsmart’s ‘Bag to Bedside’ program sits at the core of our offering – driving daily effective change within the four walls of healthcare facilities that delivers safety to staff and patients. Let us show you how….



No bins in wards deliver a cleaner & more hygienic environment.



Reduced cleaning required, & cross-contamination risk eliminated



50% waste diversion to offensive & domestic waste streams delivers a significant reduction in waste cost & reduced spend on waste bin purchasing & cleaning.

"We've seen a 20% waste reduction..."

The introduction of the Bag to Bedside system has not only created a cleaner ward environment and more pleasurable patient experience, it has ensured that we have made significant reductions in both waste treatment costs and clinical waste output. Initial estimates following rollout show that we have diverted close to 50% of orange bag waste to the offensive and domestic waste streams, which has resulted in a 20% reduction in our costs for these waste streams.

Jeff Trevor, Waste Manager

University Hospitals of the North Midlands NHS Trust

What is included?


Colour-Coded bags for each waste stream


Bag dispensers with instructional labels


Colour-Coded Segregation posters


E-Learning Platform to train clinical staff

The Sharpsmart Bag to Bedside programme is revolutionary not only in its approach but in the successful waste diversion and cost reduction results it has achieved for countless UK acute care facilities.


The Bag to Bedside programme is charged at a monthly subscription fee which includes a site analysis of location requirements, installation of equipment, equipment rental, quarterly audits and education development. Each department is provided with a competency development pack that includes training records, e-learning access, stock ordering instruction and hard copy training materials. If you are interested in seeing how the Bag to Bedside programme can drive waste diversion in your facility, contact us today.


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