Sharpsmart Robotic Washline Technology
Sharpsmart's reusable sharps containers are emptied and sanitised at our clean processing facilities using the industry-leading Washsmart system, a fully automated, robotic system used for decanting, washing, sanitising and drying the containers. Our Washsmart system provides highly effective washing and sanitising of all Sharpsmart containers.
"The Washsmart cleaning process was independently tested by coating 64 Litre Sharpsmart containers with 6-log blood suspensions of Staph aureus and E. Faecalis. On swabbing them after the wash, no challenge organisms were detected - this is a very high level of decontamination."
Terry Grimmond, Microbiologist FASM, BAgrSc, GrDpAdEd
Blood and human-source soiling are completely removed and the inside of the collector is made safe for handling.
The fully automated Sharpsmart sanitization process is engineered deliberately for microbial overkill. The three actions in the process: physical, detergent, and heat, render the Sharpsmart free of pre-wash contamination and hygienic for reuse while having negligible impact on the environment.
Quality Control Parameters
The time, temperature and water volumes necessary to achieve this level of cleaning are closely monitored.
If any parameter falls outside Sharpsmart's set criteria, the Washsmart machine immediately shuts itself down so it can be recalibrated.Tested
The Washsmart process also passes the stringent Ninhydrin test – a forensic-level test to detect traces of protein or blood.