Our Washlines

Sharpsmart Robotic Washline Technology

Sharpsmart’s reusable sharps containers are emptied and sanitised at our clean processing facilities using the industry-leading Washsmart system, a fully automated, robotic system used for decanting, washing, sanitising and drying the containers. Our Washsmart system provides highly effective washing and sanitising of all Sharpsmart containers.

“The Washsmart cleaning process was independently tested by coating 64 Litre Sharpsmart containers with 6-log blood suspensions of Staph aureus and E. Faecalis. On swabbing them after the wash, no challenge organisms were detected – this is a very high level of decontamination.”

– Terry Grimmond, Microbiologist FASM, BAgrSc, GrDpAdEd

1 Decontamination

Blood and human-source soiling are completely removed and the inside of the collector is made safe for handling.

2 Sanitisation

The fully automated Sharpsmart sanitization process is engineered deliberately for microbial overkill. The three actions in the process: physical, detergent, and heat, render the Sharpsmart free of pre-wash contamination and hygienic for reuse while having negligible impact on the environment.

3 Quality Control Parameters

The time, temperature and water volumes necessary to achieve this level of cleaning are closely monitored.
If any parameter falls outside Sharpsmart’s set criteria, the Washsmart machine immediately shuts itself down so it can be recalibrated.

4 Tested

The Washsmart process also passes the stringent Ninhydrin test – a forensic-level test to detect traces of protein or blood.

Over 26million kilos of plastic diverted from landfill with Sharpsmart’s reusable systems

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Regulation Certified Processing: Meets strict wash requirements

Sharpsmart’s mechanical Washsmart technology robotically empties and feeds each Sharpsmart container through a sophisticated 6 stage washing process.

Using a tested combination of water pressure, high temperatures and biodegradable detergent (no harmful chemicals) to achieve high-level disinfection, the Sharpsmart Washline is ground-breaking in its engineering. Our washing process achieves a 6-log bacterial load reduction, which is a higher sanitisation result than any other container washing method.

Washsmart’s 8-step Process


Weigh & Scan

Each collector is loaded onto a robotic conveyor belt; contents are weighed and the collector barcode is scanned to enable complete traceability of its origins.


Decant & Empty

In a seamless automated action, the robotic arms of the Daniels Washsmart tip the collector upside down to expel contents into a large holding bin situated beneath the machine.


High Pressure Flush

Strong jet streams of cold water are injected into the collector to flush out any stubborn residue, at a high pressure force, this flushing process removes dry blood or residual fluids.



The collector undergoes a hot water detergent wash at a set temperature. The Daniels Washsmart recycles water from an earlier stage of the cycle to minimise environmental burden.


Hot Rinse

The collector enters into a separate chamber where it undergoes a high temperature (85 degree celcius) final sanitisation rinse.



The final stage of the Washsmart process is to remove surface water, thereby eliminating the possibility of subsequent microbial growth; this process is undertaken via a series of strategically positioned high pressure / high volume air jets. This process, coupled with the heat of the plastic following hot rinse, results in Sharpsmart collectors emerging dry and ready for immediate use.



Daniels has a unique coating formulation which is applied at every wash to enable Sharpsmart collectors to easily shed sticky adhesives, blood, body fluids and dyes. More than 200 formulations were developed, researched and engineered before the Daniels SMARTGUARD formula was patented


Quality Control Checks

At the end of the process each Sharpsmart collector is subjected to a 10-point Quality Assurance Check for function, scuffs, cuts and smears. The Washsmart process achieves a 6Log reduction in bio burden +/- 1000 times greater than that required for thorough hospital grade cleaning.

Washsmart System Benefits

  • Regulation Certified Processing: Meets strict wash requirements (OSHA)

    Uses a thoroughly tested combination of water pressure, high temperatures and biodegradable detergent to achieve high-level disinfection while avoiding the use of environmentally harmful chemicals.

  • Computerised and Automated Decanting, Sanitising and Drying

    Fully automated robotic system with process-validated standards for decanting, sanitising, drying and quality checking of each product (an OSHA, ISO and CSA requirement)

  • Washsmart Quality Assurance

    Each individual Sharpsmart and Medismart collector has its wash parameters (temperature time, water volumes) measured and permanently recorded, giving complete assurance of microbiological sanitisation.

  • Unique Anti-Stick Coating

    Daniels developed, researched and engineered more than 200 formulations before patenting SMARTGUARD, a unique coating applied at every wash to enable Sharpsmart collectors to easily shed sticky adhesives, blood, body fluids and dyes.