Tracsmart Waste Tracking

Container tracking and waste traceability has never been easier. Sharpsmart’s intuitive mobile scanning technology enables accurate reporting of waste generation at a location, ward or facility level

Tracsmart Waste Tracking

Location of containers and movement of waste throughout a healthcare facility has a direct impact on labour, patient interruption and efficiency-derived costs. We see both of these factors as an important consideration in effective healthcare waste management, which is why we developed Tracsmart.

Waste tracking is not a commonly offered service in the healthcare waste arena. Why? Because it offers transparency, and brings to light the myth and mystery of what was previously closely controlled by a waste disposal company. At Sharpsmart, we are passionate about making sure our customers are informed decision-makers in the way they manage the safety, process and environmental considerations of their healthcare waste management “within the four walls of their facility”. We bring the data home.

Exact Location Mobile Scanning

When we sought out to develop waste tracking technology, we agreed that it had to meet three imperatives – simple, complimentary to existing process, and requiring no additional resources.

The result? Our mobile technology provides porters with an intuitive and easy to use scanning system which logs the exact waste collection location, fill-level of the bin and easy identification of compliance risks without additional labour requirements.

Driving Clinical & Environmental Outcomes

The most important part of the Tracsmart process is not its on-site scanning capability, but rather how we use the data to drive clinical and environmental outcomes.

The data derived from location-scans is utilised to provide direct reporting on non-conforming waste, container utilisation and waste segregation, providing actionable cost and compliance change recommendations as well identifying areas that require additional training and education. Once the svstem has been in-use for three months, we can then optimise the overall workflow of portering teams to ensure minimal time wastage in emptying bins which are less than half-full. The system has provided a minimum 25% efficiency in portering, enabling porters to dedicate more time to managing correct segregation and providing focused training to staff.

The Tracsmart process


Barcode Application

Tracsmart uses GS1 compliant barcodes to capture data of individual containers (by size and waste stream), and locations within a healthcare facility. These can represent individual wards and departments, or unique locations such as a dirty utility rooms.


Location Scanning

Porters are provided with a hand-held Android device (similar to a smartphone) to scan both the location barcode and container barcode, providing an instant traceability of container data at a location level.


Container Capacity Data

After scanning, the smart device prompts the user to register how full the container is via intuitive on-screen prompts, thereby providing essential data on container capacity utilisation per container size and location.


Compliance Data

Secondary prompts provide options to register compliance issues (such as incorrect segregation or health and safety risks) and take photographs on the handheld device that correspond to the issues identified.


Corrective Action Management

Non-conformance reports are automatically uploaded into the system, and depending on location, an e-mail notification will be sent out immediately to the corresponding department lead to take proactive corrective action.


Container Weight Data

When containers are scanned in at a Sharpsmart clean processing site, the weight data and unique identifier of the container is verified and provides a secondary data point for further audits.


Daily Workflow Management

TracSmart has the ability to generate efficient daily waste collection schedules and also has an electronic clock in/clock out feature for portering staff to record hours electronically and eliminate unnecessary paperwork.

Waste Management is more than a system, a container or a ‘back of compound’ waste pickup schedule – it is a partnership.

Reading through our website you will see a lot of references to “working within the four walls”, and Tracsmart is one vital component of this. We are not a company that sits on the sidelines and gives commentary without understanding what’s happening on the field. Our insights, recommendations and KPI’s for continuous improvement are derived from real-time analysis of your staff, waste movement, segregation processes and container fill methodologies. We want to partner with you to deliver optimum outcomes across the full spectrum of healthcare needs – safety, efficiency, compliance, education and sustainability.

Let’s Talk!

Your time is valuable, and we don’t want to play hard to get. You can either phone us directly on the details listed on our contact page, or feel free to fill out this short form and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.