How we make a difference

All Sharpsmart products and services are scrutinised through microbiological testing, peer reviewed studies and client before-and after-case studies; our sharps and clinical waste disposal solutions are test-proven time and time again to deliver results across the critical spectrum of sharps injuries, infection risk prevention, CO2 emission reductions, labour efficiencies, and waste volume minimisation.

Six Day Clinical Waste Rollout

Six day clinical waste rollout without service interruptions at West Middlesex University Hospitals NHS Trust

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Peterborough City Hospital, a 10-year partnership

Celebrating 10 years of safer and more sustainable sharps management practices at Peterborough City Hospital and...

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Dramatic CO2 and Cost Reductions With a Safer Sharps System

Dramatic CO2 savings, a reduction in cost, point-of-use sharps safety, no injuries, and international...

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Peterborough & Stamford

Two UK Healthcare facilities were able to drastically reduce their CO2 production and sharps waste volumes by...

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Royal Free Hospital

Royal Free Trust was able to reduce their CO2 emissions by over 150 tonnes and reduce sharps waste volume by...

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Liverpool Women’s Hospital NHS Trust

The Trust was in need of a more sustainable sharps management program that impacted their CO2 emissions and...

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