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We are not conformists. We think differently.
“Our Strength is the sum of the individuals who work here”
We believe that winning is only achieved through the contribution of every unique talent coming together and so we pride ourselves on searching for the pink unicorn - the person who will not be skilled in everything, but will have a unique gift that adds to the greatness and effectiveness of our team.
Our Pride
We see our success as the sum of the individuals that work with us; those that carry with them every day the spirit of innovation and service that Sharpsmart was founded on.
Our team consists of over 250 staff across the UK – from the far depths of South West England to the heights of the North East and beyond. But our global team expands further than the British Isles, with team members located across the globe from North America to Australia.
Join Our Pride.
At Sharpsmart we have a strong vision that drives us every day. Whether this is preventing needlestick injuries and quite literally saving the lives of healthcare practitioners, or whether it’s creating a platform that will facilitate our team to grow and find strength, courage and fulfilment in their careers; we’re passionate about empowerment.
We Practised Sustainability From Day One
Since January 2020 we have achieved :
We Set the Standard for ISO-Compliant Reusable Sharps Containers
Reducing Needlestick Injuries
Today you begin using a sharps container built to protect you!