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A Strategy for a Greener Future in Healthcare

Are you looking for strategies to reduce your organisation's carbon footprint?

Waste optimisation is an effective strategy – it involves maximising efficiency from the point of production to reduce waste volumes and incorrect segregation, whilst moving it into more favourable positions within the waste hierarchy. 

By having the correct waste receptacles for the types and volumes of waste being generated, correct segregation becomes second nature for waste producers with minimal behavioural change – meaning waste also gets diverted to the most sustainable outlets.

But how can you optimise your waste management processes?

Here are some tips:

  • Conduct a thorough audit of your current waste management processes.
  • Ensure you always have enough of the right container types in the right places.
  • Introduce training and education tailored to drive best practices within your facility.


By introducing waste optimisation strategies to your facility, you’ll be able to drive positive change and contribute to a more environmentally-friendly healthcare system. So why wait?

Get in touch for help navigating your route to Net Zero and making the most of waste optimisation strategies today!






Every healthcare facility has its own unique needs and requirements – bespoke solutions include having the right waste containers in the right places to meet your specific needs.


A consultancy approach equips staff with the knowledge and educational material necessary to optimise the waste management process from the point of production.


Waste optimisation results in less waste movement, diverts waste away from high-cost and carbon-intensive treatments, and avoids fines for non-conformances.

An Example of Optimised Waste Management


Hinchingbrooke Hospital was looking to optimise its waste management process and align it with the 20-20-60 waste split, working towards NHS Net Zero initiatives.

With other hospitals in the North West Anglia Foundation Trust already seeing success from Sharpsmart’s Bag-to-Bed system, teams at Hinchingbrooke decided to introduce it there to:

  • Increase efficiency through a point-of-care disposal system for healthcare waste.
  • Improve compliance by encouraging correct waste segregation and best practices.


Since introducing this waste optimisation system, Hinchingbrooke Hospital hasn’t only met its 20-20-60 waste split targets, it’s exceeded them.

Hinchingbrooke Hospital’s impressive achievements include:

  • A 95% diversion of healthcare waste from high-temperature incineration.
  • An annual reduction of 19,000 road miles.
  • A 67% diversion from HTI across all North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust sites.






The Optimised Approach to Net Zero


Sustainable waste management requires an optimised approach to work – it’s a strategy that can help healthcare organisations reach Net Zero.

We work with teams within the four walls of the healthcare environment to develop and execute bespoke strategies designed to drive efficiencies and reduce carbon emissions across the full life cycle.

We’re here to help you navigate Net Zero.