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The Sharpsmart Difference


  • We provide sharps and clinical waste containers designed by clinicians for clinicians! 
  • All containers sanitised through a world-leading robotic washing / decontamination process. 
  • Waste reduction and segregation initiatives reduce costs and improve carbon footprint  
  • Scheduling that supports your practice – you pay only for what you need
  • Eliminate disposal-related needlestick injuries with our advanced sharps safety systems 
  • Eliminate the purchase, incineration costs and landfill of one-time-use disposable containers
  • Local Reliable Service, Local Drivers, Local Treatment. No third parties 


  • Offensive and Infectious Clinical Waste Services 
  • Safe Biohazardous Sharps Disposal 
  • Pharmaceutical Waste Services 
  • Hazardous + Cytotoxic Waste Services 
  • Bespoke Education, Waste Audits and Segregation Training


Sharps and Clinical Waste Management in Colchester


This provincial town in the stunning county of Essex was the former capital of Roman Britain, with many a tale to tell, as the oldest town in all the land. Its history spans more than two millennia, post the fall of the Roman Empire it was inhabited by the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and one very famous Norman, William the Conqueror, but more about him later.


Today, Colchester is a striking juxtaposition of ancient history and state of the art modern architecture nestled in between some of the finest countryside and coast in all of the UK.

If we go back to William the Conqueror, the first Norman King of England, it was he who commissioned the jewel in Colchester’s crown; the Colchester Castle. Dating back to the 11th century it was built on top of the Roman Temple of Claudius, with tiles and stones from other Roman ruins pilfered for its construction.

Today it remains the largest Norman castle in Europe, the Colchester Castle Museum is open to the public to discover everything from Roman mosaics, statues and jewellery. Surrounding the castle is Castle Park, a 27-acre playground that attracts over 1 million visitors every year thanks to it’s stunning boating lake, lush green parkland and band stand which plays host to concerts and festivals such as the Medieval Festival and Oyster Fayre.

Not far from the Castle Park is the unusual Firstsite, a bright and curvy art museum designed by Uruguayan architect Rafael Vinoly, and for those looking for their sea legs a visit to Mersea Island is a must. Famous for its gravel beaches dotted by pretty painted beach huts, you’ll soon discover why the Romans set up camp here, as the seafood and oysters harvested on the mudflats are legendary.

This is a borough bursting with amazing things to do and see and an attitude to healthcare to match.



Sharpsmart's Approach to Clinical Waste Management in Colchester


We understand that one of the most effective ways to reduce infection control is to minimise touchpoints - so why not extend that knowledge to your clinical waste management strategy? It is known that the regular removal of infectious, offensive and all other types of waste from ward-level is paramount to the safety of patient, staff and visitor environment. Furthermore, the effective segregation of these different waste streams not only drives efficient and CQC guideline compliant healthcare waste movement and disposal practices, but it also has a direct impact on costs, staff safety, and environmental impact – factors that we are deeply committed to.

Sharpsmart’s ‘Bag to Bedside’ program is the pinnacle of our clinical waste strategy – driving daily effective change within the four walls of healthcare facilities that deliver safety to staff and patients. We achieve this by:

  • Implementing the waste collectors nearest to the point-of-use because this minor change greatly impacts waste segregation efficacy
  • Using colour! Each collector for each waste stream is colour-coded to ensure waste can be segregated at a glance
  • Removing any other waste disposal options from the environment - leaving only what is needed


Let us simplify your waste segregation strategy

Clinical staff are very busy and waste segregation must be effectively done at a glance! Every waste stream has a distinct compliance, environmental and safety impact, it needs to be very clear in the blink of an eye “which bag does it belong in”. We ensure that the bags in our Bag-to-Bedside system have each unique waste stream's distinct colour code so that itis easily identified. 




Tamperproof pharmaceutical waste containment that you can trust

If your facility or community generates pharmaceutical wast then you're probably aware of what a challenging waste stream it can be to manage. Sharpsmart supports you with not only categorising your waste streams but also by recommending secure containment systems for waste disposal.

Our Sharpsmart pharmaceutical waste collector is tamperproof and built from impenetrable plastic. This solution can be optimally placed in your facility for the safest disposal with mounting on a wall, static floor-stand, or cart. This collector will assist you int the disposal of:

  • Partially used or expired pharma
  • Controlled drugs destruction kits
  • Medications that are cytotoxic or cytostatic 
  • Any recalled pharma stock

To learn more about our Pharmaceutical waste disposal and management solutions, click here.



Sharpsmart understands the needs of healthcare facilities in Colchester.
Contact us and see how we can help your facility better manage your sharps, clinical and pharmaceutical waste disposal.


01388 810 3130         REQUEST A QUOTE      



We service locally.


While Sharpsmart retains a growth mentality and advocates for the modernisation of the healthcare waste management industry, we never want to sacrifice the degree of customer connections that can be created by local service. Your local Sharpsmart team are quite literally your neighbours - a team dedicated to excellent customer service. Local service and talent enable us to build partnerships with local Colchester facilities that reduce costs, labour, and compliance of clinical waste management. 


Your Colchester team impacts many elements of your customer experience, including the disposal and treatment of your health care waste, sanitisation of containers, and routing of your service. With reliable service and a fleet of drivers, they free up your mind to focus more on what matters: those you're providing care for.