Sharpsmart Spotlight: Carl O’Neill

Sharpsmart Spotlight: Carl O’Neill

Everything You Need to Become an NHS Waste Manager

Everything You Need to Become an NHS Waste Manager

Puns aside, considering a role within NHS waste management isn’t a rubbish career move…

Who Can Use the HTM 07-01 to Navigate Waste Management?

Who Can Use the HTM 07-01 to Navigate Waste Management?

What would you say if we told you there’s a tool to help you navigate waste management?

An 87.5% Reduction of Overtreated Waste within 3 Months

10 Examples of Clinical Waste Poster

10 Examples of Clinical Waste Poster

Clinical waste refers to a specific category of waste produced in healthcare settings such as hospitals, health clinics, dental practices, and research labs.

This type of waste poses a risk of infection, disease, or harm to anyone who comes into contact with it.

10 Examples of Clinical Waste Poster

Clinical waste refers to a specific category of waste produced in healthcare settings such as hospitals, health clinics, dental practices, and research labs.

This type of waste poses a risk of infection, disease, or harm to anyone who comes into contact with it.

How to Identify and Dispose of Infectious Waste

How to Identify and Dispose of Infectious Waste

How can you be sure if waste is infectious or non-infectious?

12 Common Sources of Infection in Hospitals

12 Common Sources of Infection in Hospitals

Where do hospital-acquired infections come from? The obvious answer is hospitals… But what about the most common sources within the healthcare environment?

10 Examples of Clinical Waste

10 Examples of Clinical Waste

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in October 2021 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Aligning With the NHS Net Zero Supplier Framework

Aligning With the NHS Net Zero Supplier Framework