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The Sharpsmart Difference


  • We provide sharps and clinical waste containers designed by clinicians for clinicians! 
  • All containers sanitised through a world-leading robotic washing / decontamination process. 
  • Waste reduction and segregation initiatives reduce costs and improve carbon footprint  
  • Scheduling that supports your practice – you pay only for what you need
  • Eliminate disposal-related needlestick injuries with our advanced sharps safety systems 
  • Eliminate the purchase, incineration costs and landfill of one-time-use disposable containers
  • Local Reliable Service, Local Drivers, Local Treatment. No third parties 


  • Offensive and Infectious Clinical Waste Services 
  • Safe Biohazardous Sharps Disposal 
  • Pharmaceutical Waste Services 
  • Hazardous + Cytotoxic Waste Services 
  • Bespoke Education, Waste Audits and Segregation Training


Sharps and Clinical Waste Management in Leeds


Leeds is not to be underestimated; coming in as the largest legal and financial centre outside of London and the most economically diverse; industry and commerce rule in this unofficial capital of Yorkshire. With an unrivalled shopping scene, calendar packed full of events and festivals and streets full of award-winning restaurants, modern cosmopolitan life comes alive in Leeds.


When city life gets too much, the region still has plenty to offer. Spend a tranquil Sunday at Harewood House, a beautiful country manor complete with a bird garden and jaw-dropping art collection. For those intrigued by medieval Britain, Kirkstall Abbey is not to be missed - the ruins are of an old Cistercian monastery by the River Aire and visitors can learn more at the abbey’s interactive exhibits. The River Aire itself is an important landmark of the area, so much so that it is said to have inspired the name of Leeds - likely coming from the term ‘Ladenses’, an old Brythonic word meaning ‘people of the fast flowing river’.

When it's time to head back into the heart of the city, shopping fanatics will love the Victoria Quarter, a centre opened in 1990 based on restored Victorian shopping arcades. Trinity Leeds is another highly recommended stop, boasting the title of largest and most expansive shopping centre in all of Leeds. Life is fast-paced in Leeds, with plenty to do and even more to see. It's for this reason that the standard of wellbeing and healthcare in the town is of such paramount importance.



A unique approach to Leeds Clinical Waste Management

When it comes to infectious waste and hazardous pharmaceutical waste handling, it’s important to have a trusted provider of healthcare waste services that can provide safety and compliance support in clinical waste handling, transport and disposal.

Sharpsmart has been serving west Yorkshire for over 15 years, delivering not only safety-designed reusable waste containers for sharps and pharmaceutical waste, but now as the leading clinical provider of healthcare waste management across the county.   

We know that for healthcare facilities focused on patient care, clinical waste management is a necessary evil; while it plays a crucial role in patient management and infection control, it does demand attention away from a GP or hospital’s core focus – restoring health and helping people get better! Sharpsmart’s solutions for Leeds hospitals, pharmacies and general practices are designed to seamlessly integrate into the clinical environment with storage solutions that make waste invisible, clinical containers that protect frontline staff, and easy to follow training and colour coded education posters and labels that take the guesswork out of infectious and non-infectious waste segregation.     


As local environmentally-focused service partners, we are passionate about delivering  sustainable waste solutions to Leeds healthcare facilities   

With our transport and treatment facility based in Yorkshire, we are not only able to deliver environmentally responsible services through optimised transport and treatment, but we are also equipped to provide the highest levels of customer focus, local education and support. Working with hospitals, aged care and primary care facilities, Sharpsmart has achieved significant Co2 emission reductions and sustainability impact through its unique green approach.

In 2015, the Peterborough and Stanford NHS Foundation Trust were proud winners of the Green Apple Waste Management Award. Environmental outcomes achieved through the implementation of the Sharpsmart system included: 

  • Reduced the Trust’s carbon footprint by a staggering 82.8 tonnes per year
  • No further sharps containers required to be manufactured for the Trust until 2022
  • Preventing a further 750 tonnes of CO2e from being produced



Bringing a human touch to healthcare waste management.

We know that navigating the complex regulations that govern the many waste streams generated from a healthcare facility can be daunting. Understanding the segregation nuances of pharmaceutical waste, GMO and anatomical waste, infectious and non-infectious substances and the isolation requirements of cytotoxic waste not only for disposal but also storage, requires some learning… but we’re here to make that part easy! Our approach in demystifying clinical waste management includes:

  • Our bag to bedside system utilising colour coded labels, posters and waste bin tags to clearly differentiate waste streams
  • Our Verify app enabling ‘on the go’ waste categorisation from a mobile phone!
  • Clinically trained experts that will partner with you to set waste reduction goals and build a custom waste management programme
  • Transparent pricing and clean straight-forward contracts that keeps us accountable to results!
  • A team that talks human, i.e. we partner with you to translate “complex” into easy-to-understand, compliant and safe!



Sharpsmart understands the needs of healthcare facilities in Leeds.
Contact us and see how we can help your facility better manage your sharps, clinical and pharmaceutical waste disposal.


01388 810 3130         REQUEST A QUOTE      



We service locally.


At Sharpsmart we are dedicated to delivering the highest standard of customer service through every interaction; from installation and onboarding, through to waste mapping, container audits, waste pickups, staff training and waste destruction reporting – we want your experience with us to be seamless.

An integral part of our service strength is our operations team; from the drivers who interface with our customers every day to our operational staff who measure quality and cleanliness with a clinical outlook, we are proud of the expertise and ownership our team brings to our mission of making healthcare safer. Our promise to Leeds healthcare facilities is “local service” and there’s no greater industry professionals you will find than our Yorkshire team! Learn more about our operations here.