Sharpsmart: Reusable Sharps Containers Assist in Cutting Carbon

Article: Cutting Carbon Now – Hospital Bulletin


What is the article?

Conducted at a hospital in the United Kingdom, this study concludes that Sharpsmart sharps containers can reduce a hospital’s CO2 emissions by 90%. Through switching to the Sharpsmart reusable sharps containers, this hospital has taken intiative to reach the societal goal of a low carbon society.

What did we learn?

The introduction of the Sharpsmart sharps containers assisted 10 UK hospitals in achieving:

  • A 91% reduction in CO2 emissions
  • Approximately a 32% reduction in sharps waste stream
  • A committment to the environment by aligning with the Climate Change Act of 2008 goals
  • Compliance with the NHS Safe Management of Healthcare Waste Guidelines (HTM 07-10)

Sharpsmart sharps containers provide an ongoing committment towards safety, sustainability, value and regulatory compliance.”


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