
80-20 Trends Audit Flyer
Our 80/20 trends audit focuses on the 20% of departments that produce around 80% of your total waste to determine cost savings and sustainability impact reduction opportunities.

Reusable vs Recycle Flyer
This quick resource explains the impact manufacturing, disposal, recycling and repurposing have on the environment, particularly for sharps containers.

Sharpsmarts’ Features and Benefits
Outlines the 29 features and benefits of the Sharpsmart sharps disposal system.

Verify Waste Identification Flyer
The Verify online waste categorisation platform delivers instant waste identification for point-of-use segregation

Tracsmart Flyer
Find out how waste tracking can optimise your costs and efficiencies in this easy-to follow flyer.

Total Healthcare Waste Partner Flyer
An introduction into how our partnership works, working alongside your current waste contractor.

Offensive Waste Flyer
Sharpsmart can maximise your compliant waste segregation by increasing levels of offensive waste and minimising levels of clinical waste – helping you meet NHS Sustainable Development Unit targets.