
PR Study: Sharpsmart Impact on Life-Cycle Carbon Footprint
This study examined the impact on life-cycle carbon footprint of Sharpsmart containers.

The Effluent Retention System
This brochure explores Sharpsmart’s patented sharps waste treatment.

The 5 Moments of Sharps Disposal Poster
Educating users on the five moments of safe disposal of single-use instruments into yellow-lidded Sharpsmart containers

The 5 Moments of Isolating Infectious Waste Poster
Educating users on the five moments of isolation and disposal of infectious waste.

How to Identify Infectious Waste Poster
A free poster to help you identify infectious waste in a healthcare facility.

How to Dispose of Infectious Waste Poster
A free poster to help you dispose of infectious waste in a healthcare facility.

What to Do if You Suffer a Needlestick Injury Poster
A free poster to help you know what to do if you suffer a needlestick injury.

The 5 Moments of Single-Use Metal Instruments Disposal
Educating users on the five moments of safe disposal of single-use instruments into the MR64 container.

The 5 Moments of Waste Disposal Using the Bag-To-Bedside System
Educating users on the five moments of safe waste disposal using the Bag to Bedside system

Waste Segregation Matrix Poster
This educative colour-coded waste matrix outlines correct containers and contents for disposal of all streams of healthcare waste.

Selecting Your Container Poster
This simple poster outlines by lid colour the waste streams that each Sharpsmart container is designed to capture.

Sustainable Procurement Checklist
This checklist provides 17 questions to ask when procuring sustainably.