Sharps Injury & Prevention

7 Tips for Clinical Staff to Make Healthcare Safer

Ensuring patient safety is a collective responsibility that clinical staff shoulder each day – here are 7 practical tips to make healthcare safer.

Inside Sharpsmart

Sharpsmart Spotlight: Dominique Bradley

The story of Sharpsmart’s Talent Acquisition Manager Dominique Bradley, followed by a Q&A session with some unique answers.

Standards & Regulations

Common Healthcare Waste Challenges Faced by Clinical Staff

An overview of the common healthcare waste challenges faced by clinical staff each day and practical solutions for overcoming them.

Standards & Regulations

Navigating ERIC Data Reporting – Tips for NHS Healthcare Workers

We felt it was time to get better acquainted with ERIC, but before we get ahead of ourselves, we don’t […]

Standards & Regulations

The Top 10 Strangest Things Found in Bins

We recently took to LinkedIn to ask our network the question “What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever seen in a bin?” Here’s the top 10!

Sustainability & Carbon Reduction

UK Plastic Packaging Tax: How the Healthcare Market Can Change in Response

UK healthcare providers can avoid the new plastic packaging tax by using reusable containers. Learn about the new regulation and how it impacts healthcare waste.

Sharps Injury & Prevention

Sharps Container Overfilling? No more!

Sharps container overfilling is a significant occupational risk to healthcare workers – learn what to do if you see an overfilled sharps container.

Inside Sharpsmart

Sharpsmart Spotlight: Carl O’Neill

Blinding overhead lights, ears ringing with white noise, the metallic taste of blood and an arm-swinging brute coming towards him […]

Standards & Regulations

Everything You Need to Become an NHS Waste Manager

A look at the day-to-day work of an NHS Waste Manager, what’s needed to get started, and some expert tips from experienced team members.

Standards & Regulations

Who Can Use the HTM 07-01 to Navigate Waste Management?

What would you say if we told you there’s a tool to help you navigate waste management? Whether you’re a […]

Sharps Injury & Prevention

How to Identify and Dispose of Infectious Waste

This mini-guide on infectious waste management will enable you to handle and dispose of such waste with the confidence that you’re making healthcare safer.

Sustainability & Carbon Reduction

Aligning With the NHS Net Zero Supplier Framework

Aligning with the NHS Net Zero Supplier Framework is crucial for a greener healthcare industry. Discover the challenges of doing so for smaller businesses.