Clinical Waste Solutions for Private Health

Sharpsmart’s education and clinical waste solutions are utilised across a wide variety of private healthcare organisations. Through simple, complexity-free solutions, we ensure your staff are safe, compliant and educated

Formulary Analysis

Making pharmaceutical waste compliance easy & affordable.

Approximately 5% of the average drug inventory is considered hazardous waste by the EPA. These drugs must be handled as hazardous waste from generation to treatment and disposal. Daniels Health Pharmaceutical Characterization Portal provides the tools necessary for your facility to be compliant with the EPA, NIOSH and DOT.


What does the Daniels portal offer?


    Scan by UPC, enter by NDC or search by product name. Add and delete from the inventory as needed to reflect your current inventory. An accurate ongoing inventory is the first step in compliance.


    Reports include DOT Class and EPA Waste Codes of your inventory. Archived reports include P-Listed Weight Accumulation and Shipping History. Reports are useful during regulatory audits (EPA, DOT, State) and in the shipping of waste.


    It is important for CESQG’s to generate less than 1 KG of P-Listed (acute) waste. This feature allows you to log the amount of acute waste generated by your facility and the start to end accumulation dates.


    When audited by the EPA it is important to demonstrate how you’ve determined your generator status. This is especially true for CESQG’s. This report shows the total acute waste generated and in what time periods.


    Email notifications are sent if there has been a regulatory change on the drug waste classifications of any item in your inventory. You can also ship by simply selecting from your online inventory, and an email notifcation will be sent to your designated waste vendor along with the relevant hazard classifications.


    When segregating waste prior to transport, it’s helpful to use color coded bins. This feature allows you to custom select your bin colors for the various DOT Shipping Classes – Providing this type of visual reference can reduce shipping errors.


    Every time you log onto the portal, your current inventory database is re-evaluated and you have the most up to date hazardous waste classification information possible. This ensures that your drug classifications are current.


    With over 30 years experience in pharmaceutical waste management, Daniels’ Pharmaceutical waste portal combined with its in-service training offers customers industry-leading expertize in the classification and management of hazardous wastes.

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