Waste Segregation, Volume & Cost Reduction

Sharpsmart Sharps Container 28% Waste Reduction
A study examining the impact of 103 hospitals converting from disposable sharps containers to the Sharpsmart in terms of waste reduction and reduction in container exchange labour.

Sharpsmart: 28% Waste Reduction After Introducing Reusables
The 11 hospital study elaborates on the benefits of using a reusable sharps container rather and concludes that a hospital achieved a 28% waste reduction with Sharpsmart.

Bag to Bedside: Safety, Environmental, and Waste Improvements
This article studies the impact of the Bag to Bedside system on patient care, infection risk, and waste volumes across several UK hospitals.

Sharpsmart: 90% Decrease in CO2 Emissions
The assessment study, ‘Reusable Sharps Containers help Chesterfield Royal Cut Related CO2 Emissions by 90%’ was conducted to determine the impact on CO2 emissions from using the Sharpsmart containers.

What Goes in a Grey Lidded, Green Container?
Disposing of Single Use Metals In this video, you will learn about what waste you can dispose of within the […]

How to Exceed the 20-20-60 Split
Exceed the 20-20-60 split In this video, Sumal provides his expert tip on how healthcare facilities can not only meet, […]

Smarter Healthcare Webinar: Overcoming Waste Challenges
The theme of our first Smarter Healthcare webinar is: Overcoming Waste Challenges on the Route to Net Zero. With over […]

Advice for New Healthcare Waste Managers
Advice for New Healthcare Waste Managers In this video, waste consultant Ben Williams provides his expert tips to make life […]

An 87.5% Reduction of Overtreated Waste within 3 Months
Within three months of reaching out for clinical waste consultancy, Liverpool Women’s Hospital achieved an 87.5% reduction of overtreated waste.

Clinismart Impact on Safety, Cost and Waste Volumes
A study carried out at a 360 bed acute-care private hospital showed the Clinismart transforming their clinical waste management practices to achieve significant efficiencies, reduction in costs and reduced infection and sharps injury risk.

Liverpool Women’s Hospital NHS Trust
This case study documents the impact Sharpsmart was able to have on the CO2 emissions impact of Liverpool Women's NHS Trust

61% Healthcare Waste Diversion from Carbon-Intensive Treatment
Discover how East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust diverted 61% of their healthcare waste from carbon-intensive treatment.