
Who Can Use the HTM 07-01 to Navigate Waste Management?

What would you say if we told you there’s a tool to help you navigate waste management? Whether you’re a […]


Importance of Hospital Waste Management

A guide of things to consider when creating a hospital waste management plan.


HTM 07-01: A Summary of the Key Changes

The refreshed HTM 07-01 is the first major update to this health technical memorandum in 10 years – this updated version puts an added emphasis on sustainability with a strategic alignment for managing waste.


A Change to POPs Regulations: Everything You Need to Know

Everything you need to know about the change to POPs regulations and how to maintain compliance with the new regulations restricting the storage and disposal of POPs.


What Are the EWC Codes for Healthcare Waste?

Understanding the EWC Codes for healthcare waste will enable you to correctly identify and classify each waste type.


How to Dispose of Sharps Waste

Compliant processes and disposal practices of sharps waste can aid in the reduction of risks associated with contamination or infection of bloodborne pathogens.


What goes into a Pharmaceutical Waste Container?

Knowing what goes into a pharmaceutical waste container and what doesn’t is the starting point for compliant pharmaceutical waste management.


How to Dispose of Dental Waste

Make sure your facility is following the proper guidelines when it comes to dental waste disposal.


Strategies to Reverse a Worrying Rise in Needlestick Injuries

There is an increased need for improved safety standards and awareness of the risks associated with BBFE incidences.


Clinical Waste Disposal Management Post-COVID

Clinical waste disposal management was altered significantly due to the COVID-19 crisis. Will the newfound vigilance last?


Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal Guidelines

Proper disposal of medicines is not only important for compliance but in consideration of public safety and the environment. Pharmacies need to follow strict guidelines when disposing of any waste. Read more...


Clinical Waste Considerations for Laboratories

Do you work in a laboratory? Learn the need-to-know guidelines for clinical waste management in your work space.