Infection Prevention & Control

Safety Engineered Devices : Use and Activation in Six Western US Hospitals
A study into the activation rate and use of Safety Engineered Devices (SED) in 6 hospitals in US west.

Tonnes of Plastic Reduced with Reusable Sharps Containers
A microbiological study to investigate the volume of plastic that could be reduced through implementation of a reusable sharps container system.

C-Diff Transmission Potential with Sharps Containers
This study examined literature and guidelines to determine the microbiological risk of using reusable clinical waste containers.

What Category Is Mpox Waste within the Healthcare Setting?
In this video, expert healthcare waste consultant Phil Steer breaks down how to safely categorise and dispose of mpox waste in compliance with regulations.

The Microbiology Behind Reusable Containers in Hospitals
The paper delves into the microbiology behind reusable clinical waste containers and provides information on the decontamination efficacy and risks for the hospital environment.

Reusable Sharps Containers: Impact on Infection Risk
This study examined literature and guidelines to determine the microbiological risk of using reusable clinical waste containers.

Point-of-Use Sharps Disposal
Optimise your safety Our containers provide efficient and safe point-of-use disposal for all healthcare waste. This solution is available for […]

On-Demand Webinar: Sharps Safety
Webinar with the Royal College of Nursing Watch our webinar on Sharps Safety – Guidance on the Prevention and Management […]

How Are Reusable Sharps Containers Cleaned?
Hear from medical microbiologist, speaker, and researcher on sharps injury prevention Terry Grimmond. Terry provides an overview of how Sharpsmart’s […]

Advice for New Healthcare Waste Managers
Advice for New Healthcare Waste Managers In this video, waste consultant Ben Williams provides his expert tips to make life […]

Are Waste Audits a Waste of Time?
Are Waste Audits a Waste of Time? In this clip taken from our recent Smarter Healthcare Webinar, waste consultant Shane […]

'It's Not OK' Event Highlights
Tackling the Persistent Issue of Needlestick Injuries The It’s not OK event in Chicago was filmed and we are excited […]